Anna Young, Netball Development Officer

I am England Netball’s local Netball Development Officer for Wiltshire. I work part-time (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).

My work programme is set by England Netball and is in line with Wiltshire’s County Plan, and includes work on the following areas:

  • Adult Participation (including Back to Netball, Netball Now, Walking Netball, development of new adult clubs)
  • Junior Participation (including Satellite Clubs, Bee Netball, new junior sections/clubs, supporting with funding applications)
  • ParaNetball (including Core Inclusion Clubs and Blended Netball)
  • CAPS (Club Action Planning Scheme)
  • Netball Youth Camps
  • School Games (level 3)
  • Volunteering (including Pass on Your Passion, EN One Awards)
  • Course Organisation/Support (including UKCC courses, Bee Netball workshops, Walking Netball Host workshops and CPD workshops)

Ultimately I am here to help support the development of netball in the county and to help you enjoy your netball in whichever way you want to, so please get in touch if I can help at all or if you want to hear more about opportunities that you and your club could get involved with.